
Welcome to the Support Section of the Morse Crusade

This website is still evolving and new support features will be added. Why not support the Crusade and put a reciprocal Link on your website, details how to link to us can be found here

If you have any problems with learning Morse Code then just contact me and I will see if I can be of any help. below is useful links that can be of help.

Directory of Mentors Experienced Morse Operators willing to help learners in their area

Clubs and Societies Links to Clubs and Societies that are supporting the Morse Crusade.

Morse Orientated Web Sites Links to Morse Orientated Web Sites

Crusaders List of people who are supporting the Morse Crusade.

Good Software Links to software that will help

Bad Software List of Bad Software to be avoided as it could be detrimental to you learning Morse Code