General Thoughts

When I started the Morse Crusade in 2011, I was told it would never work and have proved this wrong by the amount of people I have helped in the few years it has been running. I tend to be a bit lax now in posting on this web site, but this does not reflect the work I am doing with the people who contact me by email as they always get a reply as soon as I get their email.

The Facebook page certainly needs to be more active as I have to admit that I don’t post on it very often due to the lack of people on it. I have now revamped it and invite everyone to join and post on it to be able to share your Morse experiences with others.

I have been asked to have a stand at the National Hamfest again this year, but find it difficult to man because of my other Hamfest commitments with the Morse tests and also I am the Outside Trade Manager. I felt very guilty last year as I asked Carl M0SER to help me with the stand, and he had to man the stand by himself most of the two days. This year I wondered if anyone would like to give an hour of their time at the stand talking about Morse. Anyone interested please contact me.

On another tact, I am intrigued by the amount of interest on recent posts on Fists about reinvigorating 2 meters CW which has got me thinking of buying a beam for the first time in my amateur career and going active again on 144.050 as the last time I worked CW on 2 meters was 1983 with a vertical on the chimney. Because I live in a very rural village (4 miles to the nearest shop). I would need a good beam to make any reasonable contacts due to the amount of CW ops in my location.

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