Let the Crusade Begin

This is not a revolution to take over and throw to one side other Morse Groups and take over the world of Morse, we would like to think it is more of a crusade to change the way of thinking in training Morse and work with other clubs, groups and societies. To promote Morse and to find a standard way of training that is not detrimental to the learner.

I think that the word “standard” is too fixed as people tend to be different so if we get our heads together we could find a way of training that is flexible and can be changed slightly for individuals but try to make sure it is NOT DETRIMENTAL to the learner.

We would like to dispel the attitude of them and us or fast and slow Morse and for more harmony on the bands with a general understanding of what is good practice and what is bad practice. More understanding of Morse aptitude which in a way could be construed as an IQ level for Morse as some operators find it very easy to learn and progress and others find it very difficult.

We would like clubs, groups,  societies and individuals to be interactive and work with us to promote Morse and encourage learners and operators to improve and enhance their Morse Experience.

The most important thing for the success of the Crusade is to have Morse Learners, Morse Operators, Elmer’s, Trainers and Morse Instructors to join the Crusade and to air your opinions on this website.

Remember the more voices we have the better chance we have of being heard.

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